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Tyler Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation

Nitrous oxide mask at Tyler's Franklin Dental CenterWhen patients visit Franklin Dental Center, we always strive to go above and beyond to make them feel comfortable. Even still, we know that some patients will need extra help staying calm and pain free during their dental visit. That’s why we offer gentle, effective nitrous oxide sedation in a number of situations, including:

Nitrous oxide is a sedative inhaled through the nose. Patients who choose nitrous oxide sedation will wear a nasal mask during treatments. The effects of nitrous oxide take over quickly, and we are able to adjust the dosage as needed to keep patients completely comfortable. The effects of nitrous oxide wear away as quickly as they set in, so daily activities can be resumed immediately following treatment.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

Questions about sedation dentistry in Tyler

Sedation dentistry in Tyler is a great solution for patients with dental-related anxieties or needing a procedure; however, it is normal to have a few concerns. Don’t worry, we will explain everything during your initial consultation to ease any apprehensions. While you wait for your appointment, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about sedation dentistry.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Contrary to common rumors, sedation dentistry is safe when used on the ideal candidate and administered by a trained dental professional. Your dentist will review your medical history and any current medications to ensure there aren’t any risks of adverse complications. Your vitals will be monitored at all times to ensure your safety. Generally, nitrous oxide, better known as “laughing gas,” is the safest option.

Are there any risks with sedation dentistry?

While sedation dentistry is safe for most patients, certain medical conditions can increase your risk of complications, like obstructive sleep apnea. Some medications can also affect your reaction to dental sedation, which is why your dentist will carefully review your health history. Although sedation is considered safe, everyone reacts differently, but the risk of complications is minimal. Typically, the most common side effects include headache or nausea, which are rare with nitrous oxide.

How long does dental sedation last?

It depends on the type of sedation used. Nitrous oxide is often preferred because the effects dissipate as soon as the inhaled sedative is stopped. In most cases, you can even drive yourself home from your appointment. If you require a stronger sedative, like oral consciousness, the effects can take a little longer to wear off, so you will need to arrange transportation to and from your appointment. Your dentist will review any aftercare instructions based on the medication used, like limiting your activities for a few hours. Patients who use nitrous oxide can often go back to their daily activities on the same day. Depending on the treatment, your dentist may have certain instructions to promote a speedy recovery, like avoiding strenuous exercise, smoking, or drinking through a straw.

Will I feel any pain with dental sedation?

Besides using a sedative, your dentist may also use a local numbing agent. As a result, you won’t feel any pain during your procedure. Depending on the treatment, your mouth may be a little sore after any numbing agents wear off, which you can manage using an OTC pain reliever. Your dentist will review any additional instructions to keep you comfortable, like applying a cold compress or eating softer foods.

Does dental sedation make you tell secrets?

You’ve probably watched a few videos online of people saying unusual things with dental sedation, but it isn’t a “truth serum.” It is very unlikely you will reveal anything you typically wouldn’t say. However, if something slips, it will stay within the walls of the dental treatment room. You don’t have to worry about any secrets becoming public while getting the comfortable care you need.